Does Not Have Rsop Data

  1. The issue seems to be some network issue. Add this twol keys in registry and logoff if possible restart. The issue should get resolved. You might have to add the 'Windows' and 'System' folders. HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft Windows System 'GroupPolicyMinTransferRate'=dword:00000000.
  2. So you would run a command line prompt as a different user and then run gpresult /r or gpresult /r /scope computer getting stuck at The user does not have RSoP data. In order to avoid this warning, you can run the following: PowerShell. GPRESULT /R /USER:itdroplets myuser.
  3. Oct 23, 2017 I have solved the problem of gpresult and rsop.msc giving access denied and invalid property it was because of UAC settings that were not default as they should be, I set them to the default and gpresuly and rsop are generating logs, but I see that the settings for wsus are not applying.

Gpresult /R INFO: The user adm.test does not have RSoP data. You try to do it remotely and it fails as well. Gpresult /S DDD9D5 /SCOPE COMPUTER /R INFO: The user does not have RSoP data.

2007-08-22 12:00:00 UTC
I have written a little script that checks and reports what group policies
have been applied to a number of servers.
In short the scripts runs the following command foreach of the servers:
gpresult /S <servername> /U <domainuserid /> /P <password> /SCOPE COMPUTER
/USER <domainuserid>
When I run the script (or gpresult manually) I get the error message:
INFO: The user 'domainuserid' does not have RSOP data.
When I log on locally or via RDP to this server I can run gpresult.
When I log off and rerun the script, the server I have logged on to is
succesful, but the other servers I have not yet logged on to are not.
I figured this would be caused by a lack of a userprofile on the local
computer, so I embeded a psexec -e (the one that creates a profile, not the
newest that avoids creating a profile on the remote computer) command in the
script to create a userprofile on the remote computer before running gpresult
on it.
This did however not work, a userprofile directory was created, but that was
not adequate for gpresult to work correctly. The only difference with loging
on locally or via RDP was that the user did not get its own registrykey under
It looks like gpresult wants to check the HKEY_USERS<SID of user> to check
for user gpo's applied.
Although I only want to check computer policies, the lack of possiblity to
check user policies for the user is stopping me.
Does anyone know how I can have the userprofile load correctly, including
creating the HKEY_USERSusersid key from a commandline (preferably remote)?
Is there any other way of getting the same info as gpresult /S <servername>
Any help would be appreciated, instead of having to log on interactively at
all my servers.
Jos Rossiau
I was trying to figure out why my group policies were not being applied to a Windows 7 pc from Windows Server 2003.
Running gpresult /r gave me:
INFO: The user does not have RSOP data.

Unable To Generate Rsop Data

Ran gpupdate /force gave me a less cryptic message:
The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to read the file domain.localSysVoldomain.localPolicies{4A4EF664-.......}gpt.ini from a domain controller and was not successful. Group Policy settings may not be applied until this event is resolved. This issue may be transient and could be caused by one or more of the following:
a) Name Resolution/Network Connectivity to the current domain controller.
b) File Replication Service Latency (a file created on another domain controller has not replicated to the current domain controller).
c) The Distributed File System (DFC) client has been disabled.Does Not Have Rsop Data
I browsed to the location and the request file and sure enough it was not there. I searched other folders and located the file and folder in Policies_NTFRS_00c51f61.
I copied the enter {4A4EF664-.......} folder to the path Group Policy was searching for, which is in 'Policy'.

User Does Not Have Rsop Data

Since the gpt.ini file was empty, I didn't see any consequences of copying the entire folder to the path gp was searching for. I'm assuming group policy just needed to read the gpt.ini file whether it is empty or not.
Ran gpupdate /force, didn't receive any error messages, and gpupdate was successful.
Explains possible causes why the folder path changed.

The User Does Not Have Rsop Data