How To Make Wartune Full Screen

Wartune Mage Tips and Tricks by talonsnow

  1. How To Make Warzone Full Screen

Hello, my in game name is Witch and one of the best mages in server 4.

Here are just a few tips I have regarding mages during my play time experience.

Why do you make him so hard to beati can easily kill the 4 chain bosses but the dragon killes me way to easy i dont get itits like when ever i get close to killing him he gets to attk twice or had double strengthor sometimes o dont even get close because it do3snt allow me to do my full dmgsome times one atk does over 100k and others does 35k but same enemy same atkit makes no since. Update and Upgrade Your Wartune Equipment. Gears play a huge role in making your Wartune team stronger like most of the MMORPG out in the market. Always make sure that your heroes are up to date with the latest gears. Some of the strongest gears that you can get in Wartune comes from Arena shops, crypt shops, and Cash promotions. Black screen I can't log in, Wartune Questions and answers, PC. After you’ve done this, load up wartune and on the server select screen, shift click on the server you want to play on (or rightclick → open in new tab/window). A new window should open with the same screen (this is what has been advised so far as full screen mode).

as far as skills take everything until lvl 24 then only put into the following:

1 into each of the following:
lightning bolt, rain of fire, heart elemental, mana master, restoration, castinator, and healing empowerment, delphic frenzy and thunderer.

Then you want to work on maxing heart elemental and mana master. These are huge advantage passives.

How To Make Wartune Full Screen

leave delphic frenzy at 1 as it is not worth any more invested for it’s rage consumption. You only got the 1 cause you want to get thunderer to lvl 2 asap for it’s importance in world boss.

you want to max healing empowerment, primarily for the +20% magic def boost. that requires lvl 2 restoration.

then you want to get to lvl 4 lightning bolt and lvl 4 rain of fire. This is where it makes a huge jump in dmg on your rain of fire which is your most important skill in pvp fights in 1v1 duel, group arena, and battlegrounds.

Why not more healing skills?
I added more healing at the cost of not taking thunderer or delphic on my lvl 40 mage. This was a mistake in retrospect. I thought it would help more in battlegrounds and catacombs, but it had unforeseen consequences. First, your better off just attacking damage wise then doing suntoria until late game where your health will make the 5-6% health gain worth it. In catacombs where I thought it would help the most, it made it much worse short term as well. Now is my troops keep getting healed some they are surviving more which is what I had wanted, but the unintended side effect was that all my heals were hitting them instead of me. This would bring my health very low by the time they died and I did not have enough time to recover before I then too died.

In retrospect you want your troops to stay alive a while doing damage, but you really want them to die off around mid fight allowing you to heal yourself then back to full and then get to attack twice p/round with a skill and auto attack which you can’t do while your troops are alive either. This also generates more rage quickly allowing you to keep healing yourself when the timer is back up every time. By adding thunderer it also takes down the bosses much faster as well as slowing there casting timers.

Yet the real good reason for going thunderer 2 is the world boss. You are able to keep the same chain going but replacing 1 lightning bolt with 1 lvl 2 thunderer every time you can (which becomes quite a lot) and increasing your damage and net gains tremendously.

How to make wartune full screen recorderHow To Make Wartune Full Screen

How to do the world boss:
your normal chain is:
mash lightning bolt at loading screen so it will go off at start. Then watch your troops attack then the boss attack. Then right when your character starting animation for auto attack hit lightning bolt again so you perform both an auto attack and lightning bolt in a row. Then watch troops attack and right when the boss attacks hit your lightning bolt in the middle of it’s attack animation. Then watch as your character does an auto attack and a lighting bolt attack.

You just add another auto attack + lightning bolt for every round your able to survive.

(Once you have 50 rage saved up)
Mash thunderer at loading screen and do the qte sequence for 25% extra dmg once you can see screen. Because of longer cast time you will watch your troops attack, then your skill go off. But it will go off before the boss attacks. so once the boss attacks, again hit lightning bolt once your character starts his/her animation and your back in your normal chain again.

Because of castinator (and the set bonus from catacombs for chance at less rage cost as well) you can start doing back to back thunderers having over 50 rage in the next boss fight after you just used it in the previous one.

Other tips:
your rain of fire at lvl 4 is better than your lightning bolt at lvl 4 on single enemies. your rain of fire is doing 134% + 25%qte for about 159% dmg. Your lightning bolt is only doing 108% + 75dmg. This means if rain of fire is up use it, even on single targets. This is why it’s such a bread and butter skill.

In team arena, get that 35pvp set asap. It helps us mages the most out of all classes. Not only is mdef the lowest on most other players already compared to pdef, but it allows for a nice chain of rain of fire – lightning bolt – rain of fire in the first 3 rounds of a group fight. sometimes you will be able to get it all off without waiting if the skills used in first 2 rounds are sort of slow. Other times you may have to wait 1-3 seconds before getting that 2rd rain of fire off in 3rd round, but the combo of 2 rain of fires in 3 rounds is devastating in pvp group fights.

Be sure to use your restoration heal during battlegrounds to keep your health up and win many more fights than you would have otherwise for more honor.

Personally I went the non-crit route and just did matk, pdef and health. I was able to hit extremely hard still and very tanky. I used the +%dmg , no crit chance astral as well. Just depended on my +20% mdef passive from healing empowerment, + the mdef from all my int stat increases. If really needed more mdef I just switched in my mdef astral for my health or pdef one on selective boss fights in cata or mage duels.

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Just wrote 2 other very long threads, one a 37 tip one and the last my constructive feedback as I am quitting this game. Due to this I am a little tired writing all these posts and stopping here. I will check back in next few days for any feedback on this post or answer any questions.