Quake 2 Max Fps

  1. Quake 2 Max Fps Mod
  2. Quake 2 Max Fps Boost

When this toggle is enable the maximum number of frames-per-second is limited to the vertical refresh rate of the monitor. Description: Toggle the use of mouse input for game movements when game is in windowed screen mode.

Quake 2 Max Fps

Quake 3 by default will not allow your system to run over 85 fps. Change it to what ever # you want but 0 tells it to let it go as high as it can without restriction. Forget it you said quake 2. Sorry I think for Quake 2 you need to type in maxfps and then put something like 100 ( I don't think it will go higher than that but you can try). Using the anti-aliasing setting via a config generated via R1GL config generator resulted in my FPS going from 2300 FPS to 213 FPS (running demo1.dm2). However, using Nvida Control panel for anti-aliasing (all settings set to maximum quality image), I get 511 FPS. So clearly using Nvidia controls is less impactful when running quake 2.

Posted by adem @ 20:42 BST, 28 August 2017 - iMsg
Here is a small 'how to' cap MaxFPS in Steam version of MaxQuake Champions:
- go to Library
- right click on Quake Champions
- select Properties
- click on Set launch options... button
- add --set /Config/CONFIG/maxFpsValue XXX, where XXX is any preferred FPS value, i.e. --set /Config/CONFIG/maxFpsValue 125
Also you can enable FPS counter in Steam: Menu - Steam - Settings - In-Game - In-Game FPS counter - Select any preferred item apart from 'Off' - OK
Edited by adem at 20:43 BST, 28 August 2017 - 14872 Hits
Quake Console Commands
by Niklata
Quake 2 Max Fps

The latest version of the Quake Console Commands List is available at Niklata's Technical Resources.

Here's the most comprehensive list of Quake console commands that I know of. I've browsed through QUAKE.EXE Shareware 1.00 and have dug out as many commands as I can find :). I've also included the documented commands so that you can have a single index of every Quake command you could possibly want.

1.1: Client Movement Commands
1.2: Mouse-Specific Commands
1.3: v_ Commands
1.4: Standard Quake Variables
1.5: Standard Console Commands
1.6: CD-Specific Commands
1.7: Video Mode Commands
1.8: Technical Graphics Commands
1.9: Ambient Sound Commands
1.10: Sound Control Commands
1.11: Screen-Related Commands
1.12: Console Commands
1.13: Host Commands
1.14: Dedicated Server Commands
1.15: Network Commands
1.16: Menu-Related Commands
1.17: COM Port Commands
1.18: MIP-Texture-Related Commands
1.19: Movement Control Commands
1.20: Environment Commands

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Quake 2 Max Fps Mod

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Quake 2 Max Fps Boost

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